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American Renaissance Movement

Reviving & Renewing American Ideals & Values

Freedom, Liberty,

Pursuit of Happiness

America is facing a new world order that seeks to influence our political and cultural institutions through money and power. From politicians to media directors, no side is safe from this threat. But together, we can take action to defend our republic and fight back against freedom-hating colonizers. Join our movement today to help promote transparency and accountability in government, and support a more open and just society for all Americans.

The Sprit of 76 Lives On

Real patriotism is a willingness to

challenge the government when it’s wrong.

– Ron Paul

The Economic Change

A few changes are needed in America today:

While the US dollar has served as the world’s reserve currency for many years, history has shown that when a nation debases its currency, it often leads to economic collapse within 5 or so decades. To prevent this from happening, ARM is advocating for a new currency that is backed by Gold and Bitcoin. Gold has been used as a store of value for thousands of years and is widely regarded as a stable asset that maintains its value over time. By backing a currency with gold, it can provide a sense of stability and confidence as it is seen as having an intrinsic value. Bitcoin, being a decentralized digital currency, offers a level of transparency and security, as all transactions are recorded on a public ledger that is resistant to fraud and manipulation. By backing a currency with both Gold and Bitcoin, it can provide a strong foundation for a new currency that can maintain its value and stability over time.

Allow the invisible hand to guide the free market to the most efficient allocation of resources and the highest levels of economic growth and prosperity.

Gold Bitcoin

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

– Thomas Jefferson to William Smith

Laws, Laws, More Laws

Congress has been prolific in enacting legislation, with approximately 200-600 statutes passed during each of its 115 biennial terms, resulting in over 30,000 statutes since 1789.¹ While some of these laws have been necessary to protect the natural rights of citizens, the sheer volume of statutes can be overwhelming and impede progress.

That is why the American Renaissance Movement (ARM) proposes a solution called The Lumberjack Policy, which calls for all statutes not included in the Constitution to include Sunset Clauses that take effect within one generation (30 years). This policy would encourage new growth in the legislative system (and actually make the politicians work), just as a lumberjack clears out dying trees to make way for new growth. By removing outdated and irrelevant laws, The Lumberjack Policy would allow the government to focus on passing new laws that better serve the needs of citizens today.

Political Cartoon

But there is only one thing which gathers people into seditious commotion, and that is oppression.

– John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration